How to activate your LinkedIn network

Your network on LinkedIn has a huge potential. Here are some tips to immediately capitalize its value.
If you read this, you're likely to have a LinkedIn profile like the 3 million Belgians or 5 million Dutch who have a profile on this professional network.
And maybe you have really considered this, but your profile is valuable. Extremely valuable.
Certainly as an entrepreneur, your network has an incredible potential. But also as an employee or even as a jobseeker, your LinkedIn profile can be a real goldmine.
I hear you thinking: "No one has contacted me so far, so LinkedIn is actually a worthless tool" or "I'm satisfied with my current professional situation, so why would I bother?"
The value of your LinkedIn profile is mostly in the size and quality of your network. But even if you have a thousand or more connections, a passive network does not benefit you at all.
It is therefore important to activate your network to unleash its full potential. By systematically building a personal brand and making yourself hear of, you will become top of mind in your network. How? Follow this 5-step plan.
1. Optimize your profile
Make sure your profile is complete and up to date. How complete is it? Do you have a good picture with a professional appearance? Does your profile clearly reflect what you are looking for?
2. Connect with interesting profiles
If you have more handful of connections, then you will not get much further. It's a numbers thing. The more valuable connections the better. Building a network can be difficult and time consuming. Fortunately, there are simple and effective methods for quickly reaching 500 or more interesting connections.
3. Join relevant LinkedIn groups
Becoming a member of groups is very useful. First of all, you can learn a lot from groups. You can apply your knowledge, get news, get tips. But you can also ask a question. For example, you are looking for a new employee with a particular profile or asking for the experience with a particular product or service. In addition, it is also very good for your visibility. Show how much sense of business you have. Show your expertise. The more active you are in groups, the greater the chance that others will recognize your name and expertise and the faster they will contact you for an assignment.
4. Share your expertise through status updates
It's important to let your network hear from you by regularly posting a short message or photo in a status update. This works in about the same way as Facebook, but in a professional context, of course. Through these updates, will put your expertise, product, service or company in the spotlight. Make sure your update has added value to your network and does not come across as plain advertising. Give tips, share insights, a look behind the scenes or show that you can really help others.
5. Share the love
In networks, it is giving and taking. Just like or share an update or message from others from time to time. Give a encouraging comment or share someone's message. That way, you not only increase your visibility but also your likeability on LinkedIn.
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