Customer satisfaction

We strive for maximum customer satisfaction every day. What ultimately counts for each training session is the end result. That is why we keep all satisfaction scores from our customers.
Below are the satisfaction scores of the 20 most recent trainings. We are happy to share this information with you. 


0of our customers are highly satisfied with the quality of our courses
HBDI Personality Profile

“I wanted to gain insights into our team's thinking and thus improve collaboration. There was a nice balance of theory, practical examples and exercises. Each HDBI profile was discussed in detail so we now have a better picture of our communication, expectations and information processing. The result is that we are more understanding of each other. We definitely want another follow-up training!”

Natalia Kouzina - Valeron

Natalia KouzinaValeron

Some of our most recent clients

What customers say about us

Assertive Communication

“I wanted to learn what assertive communication actually is, in what way it can help me, and how to use it. This training really helped me to create a better work-environment. I'll try to use it when talking to my boss, clients, etc. to create a better relationship. Also the trainer was very capable. He adapted the course to our needs. I think that is one of the most important things in a training like these, that it feels personal and recognizable. So good job & many thanks!”

David Van Os - Greenfish

David Van OsGreenfish

Communication workshop

“The communication workshop was way better than expected. It really made all my employees open up and get to know each other better. It was also very interactive with a lot of exercises and techniques. We now have learned a structured way how to give feedback to each other and to customers.”

Sammy DeprezArinti

How to Conduct Motivating Performance Interviews

“Initially, I was very sceptical about the set-up and was actually swept along in a fascinating story from the start, giving me a clear idea of what can be gained from such performance appraisals. The approach made it clear that you can extract a lot of interesting and useful info from such an interview and apply it immediately. I learned that a performance interview is not a snapshot, but should be a continuous process. As far as I am concerned, this was a very successful workshop.”

Iwein Baeyens - UZ Brussels

Iwein BaeyensUZ Brussels

Camera Training

“'I wanted more self-confidence in front of the camera and practical tips to build my skills. I received very concrete tips during the training, which I can put to use immediately. By recording short presentations of all participants, you get a good picture of yourself. The training was also presented in a very dynamic way, completely digital, but that had no effect on the quality. Well done!'”

Dorien Verheirstraeten - VDAB

Dorien VerheirstraetenVDAB

Improvisation workshop - Thinking Outside the Box

“This course provided some wonderful examples and insights on how we can get more dynamism, spontaneity and creativity through ‘out of the box’ thinking within our company. The training fully met expectations. There was very good interaction in the group and the instructor is a born talent to relay information in a correct, constructive yet open manner. Super course! Highly recommended! ”

Kurt Pappaert - KBC Bank

Kurt PappaertKBC Bank

HBDI Personality Profile

“I wanted to gain insights into our team's thinking and thus improve collaboration. There was a nice balance of theory, practical examples and exercises. Each HDBI profile was discussed in detail so we now have a better picture of our communication, expectations and information processing. The result is that we are more understanding of each other. We definitely want another follow-up training!”

Natalia Kouzina - Valeron

Natalia KouzinaValeron

Negotiation Skills

“During this very successful training I was able to master the basics of negotiation as well as being given a number of ‘capstans’ to use during negotiations. The tips on body posture and maintaining rapport during conversations were extremely valuable. These expectations were met and I got the chance to see my own skills but also weaknesses during the workshop.”

Anthony Poppe - Xirius Legal

Anthony PoppeXirius Legal

Communication Skills Training

“The session was very interactive and an impulse on realizing that you are responsible for the thoughts you have and how these have an influence on your communication in life. The session was very valuable in a way that it can be applied to all parts of life, as well in the work environment as in private life.”

Lut Oosterlinck - Bayer CropScience

Lut OosterlinckBayer CropScience

Consultative Selling - Sales training

“I wanted to learn the fundamentals of Consultative Selling. Through plenty of examples I could get a deeper insight in consultative selling and the sales process. I will share the learnings with colleagues and will make it part of every sales interaction.”

Mariska Koessler - Roche Diagnostics

Mariska KoesslerRoche Diagnostics