Data Storytelling - from Excel to PowerPoint

"Data Storytelling" training is designed to help professionals communicate effectively with data and insights, and turn them into compelling stories. This skill is invaluable for anyone who makes decisions based on data and wants to share them and make them understandable to others.

In this course, we start from complex and raw data in Excel and end with a finished PowerPoint presentation that brings out the essentials and immediately actionable business intelligence.

Benefits of Data Storytelling:

  • The storytelling format makes data more accessible to a wider audience. People understand and remember stories better than dry statistics.
  • Data storytelling can help make better decisions. It uncovers connections and insights that would otherwise remain hidden.
  • Engaging Communication: Stories are inherently engaging. They capture and hold attention, thus delivering the message more effectively.
  • Audiences remember stories much better than bare facts. As a result, the data presented stays with them longer.
  • Wrapping data in a story allows you to persuade and influence others. It makes the data more relevant to your audience.
  • Stories are easier to share. This can facilitate message dissemination, especially in a digital environment.
  • Well-told data stories can be inspiring. They can spur others to action or provide new insights.