How to have a more pleasant voice

about voice use, better voice


Is it a bit of a shock for you to hear your own voice on a voicemail or video? 

Don't worry, you're not alone. Most people don't like the sound of their own voice at all. And that's because we hear our own voice in our heads differently than with a sound recording. 

You were born with your voice, but the good news is that you can make your voice sound more pleasant with almost no effort at all.

But why bother about a more pleasant voice?

According to a study by Duke University in Carolina, people with a full, warm voice are often more successful and make faster careers. Researchers analysed the voice pitches of 792 managers and compared this with their success such as merit and company size.

They found that managers with a deep voice earn an average of 140,000 euros more than leaders with a rather high voice.  According to the survey, managers with a deeper voice have more influence and impact on their team and employees.

How do you get a pleasant sounding and deep voice?

Here are some tips.

Talk loud and clear. This is important to get your message across clearly. If you tend to talk quietly, mumble or look at the ground while you're talking, the chances are you will be ignored or overlooked. 

Speak more slowly and articulate clearly. Many people start talking too quickly, especially when they are insecure or nervous. Those who talk slowly show clearly that the words are well-considered. Moreover, if you talk too fast, people will quit more easily. They can't keep up with you or don't fully understand what you're saying and will automatically have more trouble listening attentively. So feel free to slow down and take enough breaks.

A third tip (which has a great impact on how you sound) is the intonation of your voice. The variation in pitch has an incredibly strong influence on the quality of your pronunciation and on the effect your words have on others.
People with a monotonous voice (i.e. without much variation) quickly sound boring, like a robot for example. People with good intonation sound positive, confident and pleasant.

You can easily practice your intonation yourself. In this video, vocal coach Harald Van Beeck shares some tips to develop a beautiful, full and pleasant sounding voice.

More information: voice coaching

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