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    Stress for your presentation? 5 tips to overcome speaking anxiety

    about Presentation skills, Public speaking, Fear of public speaking

    Public speaking anxiety is very common. Many people have difficulty getting their fear of speaking or stress under control. Here are 5 simple tips that everyone can immediately...

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    Leadership - Why managers don't motivate

    about motivation, leadership, Leadership, Leadership Styles

    As a team leader, you have a great responsibility. You are the coach, mentor and support for the people in your team. If others do not feel this support from you, they will...

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    Nonviolent communication

    about nonviolent communication

    How can you stand up for yourself in a connecting way? Communicate clearly and say what's on your mind while respecting the other person? Nonviolent communication is the key...

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    Effective Communication

    about Communication

    Effective communication is essential to building strong relationships and getting important projects done. Communication not only promotes collaboration, it also produces...

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