Personal Development

Training in the field of personal development helps professionals to be more self-aware and stronger at work. The objective is to sharpen self-awareness, talents and potential through personal development. In this way you succeed in having more quality and impact in the professional environment but also in your private life. Personal development is a matter of investing in the future. We are happy to help you become the best version of yourself.

Personal growth is achieved by working on your skills, abilities and insights. In this way, your potential increases, you are stronger and you reach your goals faster. Growth also means staying open and continuing to learn and develop yourself.

Personal development is a broad concept. Here are a few components that fall under it: social skills such as clear communication, assertiveness, leadership, self-awareness, creative thinking, emotional intelligence, presentation skills, dealing with conflicts, resilience and mental toughness.

Discover here the training courses that can help you in your further personal development.

Satisfaction score: 90%

Productive homeworking

Working from home offers many advantages. You save yourself a daily trip to and from work and you can better balance your work-life balance at home. But there are also pitfalls. Do you give your day sufficient structure? Does your...

Currently, this education is only available as personal coaching, in-company training or workshop.

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Social Skills for Professionals

Social skills count for 85% of success and technical knowledge for only 15% according to a Harvard University study. Obviously technical skills but soft skills make all the difference in working with others, solving problems and...

Currently, this education is only available as personal coaching, in-company training or workshop.

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Satisfaction score: 87%

Analytical Thinking Skills

A smart coach, John Whitmore, once said very aptly, "You can only control what you are aware of. What you are not aware of controls you." Awareness gives power. And analytical thinking plays a big role in this. Our brain constantly -...

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Satisfaction score: 90%

Systems Thinking

This training programme will help you think holistically, approaching problems and decisions from a broader perspective. Systems thinking is a powerful way to understand complex situations and find effective solutions. This training...

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Satisfaction score: 85%

Data Storytelling - from Excel to PowerPoint

"Data Storytelling" training is designed to help professionals communicate effectively with data and insights, and turn them into compelling stories. This skill is invaluable for anyone who makes decisions based on data and wants to...

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Satisfaction score: 90%

Manage your inbox productively with Outlook

Outlook is one of the most widely used e-mail programs. It is the key to an organized and productive workday. Unfortunately, Outlook is also a source of stress and frustration to many users. The constant stream of emails can undermine...

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No scores available at this time

Positive mindset at work

Colleagues who gossip, do not keep to agreements, do not take enough responsibility... This quickly creates a negative atmosphere within a team. Fortunately, it is possible to change a negative attitude or mindset. Would you like to...

Currently, this education is only available as personal coaching, in-company training or workshop.

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Unleash the power of AI and ChatGPT

The possibilities of AI tools such as ChatGPT are widely known, but are you able to leverage them to their full potential? In this training, you will put your skills into practice and learn how to optimally apply the full potential of...

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