Sales & Marketing

How to develop your sales and marketing skills? A strong marketing and sales approach is crucial for any organization. A well thought out commercial strategy will result in more sales, more profits and more customers or prospects.

How do you get more impact on the sales pitch? How do you ensure a strong online branding via social media? Which closing techniques will get you the deal? And how do you turn your customers into your ambassadors?

Discover our Sales and Marketing workshops here.

Satisfaction score: 85%

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is becoming more and more important in the total marketing mix. The internet totally changed the game for existing marketing strategies and created a new type of consumer at the same time. So, what are the most...

Currently, this education is only available as personal coaching, in-company training or workshop.

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Satisfaction score: 87%

Creative thinking

In a competitive market, creativity is essential for making a difference.  Successful businesses manage to be more creative and innovative and stimulate their employees to think  "out-of-the-box". Not only are creative...

Currently, this education is only available as personal coaching, in-company training or workshop.

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Satisfaction score: 91%

Elevator Speech

Elevator speech or elevator pitch means conveying your message in a brief, clear and compact manner.  This is indispensible for all persons who at times happen to feel the need to explain things in a concise way, in order to get to...

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Satisfaction score: 89%

Successful prospecting

Do you often experience a certain degree of timidity with regard to cold calling? Then you are not alone: most commercial professionals simply don't like prospecting and often postpone this activity. However, a good prospection will...

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Satisfaction score: 89%

Personal Impact

What impression do you make in the business world? Does your body language and appearance tell  the same as the words you say? Do you want  to know how other persons look at you? In professional life, it is simply not done...

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Satisfaction score: 88%

LinkedIn Training

LinkedIn is becoming the most important business networking platform online giving professionals the ability to connect, expand their network and promote their skills, services and products. Social media tools like LinkedIn hold...

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Satisfaction score: 89%

Customer-Centric Communication

Customer satisfaction is important for the company's image. Satisfied customers are also loyal customers and thus generate more sales. But: how do I turn the customer's wishes into the company's wishes? Do you succeed in making the...

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Satisfaction score: 89%

Consultative Selling - Sales training

Traditional sales methods typically revolve around salespeople highlighting the benefits of products and services without considering prospects’ personal needs.  Consultative selling is a highly effective sales approach...

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Satisfaction score: 91%

Event organizing

Do you often organize open doors days, congresses or personnel festivities for your company or organisation? Do you want to do this in a creative and cost-saving way? And, do you wish to optimize the effectiveness and results of your...

Currently, this education is only available as personal coaching, in-company training or workshop.

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