Leadership & Management

Leadership and management skills can be developed. You can have a lot of experience, knowledge and expertise in your job, but motivating, guiding and coaching others is a separate job. Leadership and management require insight, empathy, excellent communication skills and dealing with change.

An important factor here is people management. Your team deserves a strong and inspiring leader. Someone who brings out the best in each individual. Investing in your leadership qualities has a direct impact on the motivation, quality and further development of your team.

Discover our leadership and management training programs.

Satisfaction score: 89%

The foundations of Leadership

Do you suddenly get new responsibilities? Or do you take over the management of the family company? Do you want to further develop your leadership skills? For managers, team supervisors and executive staff,  targets are essential....

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Satisfaction score: 89%

Leadership coaching

This programme will develop a coaching style of leadership that maximises employer potential and improves team performance. It is suitable for experienced middle and senior managers who wish to be able to use core coaching processes to...

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Satisfaction score: 88%

Effective Meeting Skills

Meetings can be very productive. They can also be a waste of time.  Running an effective meeting is more than sending out a notice that your team is to meet at a particular time and place. In this highly interactive...

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Satisfaction score: 89%

Change Management

Change is an unstoppable force that is all around us and is happening all the time.  Organisations need to adapt in order to respond to changes in their environment, which are driven by customer demand, advances in technology or...

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Satisfaction score: 88%

Stress Management

A certain degree of stress experienced during work may have a positive effect, but excessive stress is very often problematic.  The effects caused by stress can manifest themselves in all aspects of your work and life. Excessive...

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Satisfaction score: 88%

Negotiation Skills

Negotiating is part our professional life and beyond. How can I obtain the best  sales deal? How do I make sure that my team gets the most interesting job? How do I bargain for the best discount? When do I get the most of a job...

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Satisfaction score: 88%

How to Conduct Motivating Performance Interviews

Very often, performance interviews are considered as a necessary evil: "a useless ritual", "doesn't lead to anything", "the promises of last year have not yet been lived up to", "one-directional communication", ... These are just some...

Currently, this education is only available as personal coaching, in-company training or workshop.

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Satisfaction score: 88%

Giving and Receiving Feedback

Do you recognize the following situations? You want to give feedback but you're afraid that this might be perceived as criticism. You give your opinion and later on you find out that you have offended the other, while you only...

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Satisfaction score: 87%


Teaching people how to cooperate in a constructive way is the target of Expert Academy's teambuilding program. Thanks to our long-standing experience with working with groups and building of teams on various levels within an...

Currently, this education is only available as personal coaching, in-company training or workshop.

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