Brand yourself! Everything about Personal Impact.

What impression do you make in the business world? Does your body language and appearance tell  the same as the words you say? Do you want  to know how other persons look at you?

In professional life, it is simply not done to ask any business partner about your own appearance when conducting a negotiation, public speech or sales   discussion. This workshop will enable you to receive feedback about how your business partners are looking at you NOW.  You will become aware of points to be improved and you will also draw up an individual action plan. You learn to translate your "desired image" into appropriate body language, attitude and outfit. This will make you appear more vigorous and authentic and you will also be able to improve your success ratio.

Personal branding leads to a higher appraisal level, as a result of which you will be solicited more often. With effective personal branding, you will no longer need to constantly sell yourself.  

This workshop will help participants to define a strategy for the further strengthening and visualisation of their image, values, personality and distinctive strength. The workshop is made up of the following modules:

  • Non-verbal communication: impact on the human brain
  • Visualisation of values, mission and potential
  • Reputation: online and offline
  • Interactive feedback of the present image
  • Action plan: body language,  attitude, personality, styling, voice use, eye contact...
  • Personal branding of each participant