Presentation trends: new techniques to impress your audience
About this training
The art of creating and delivering presentations and even the act of public speaking has changed dramatically over the last two decades, thanks to the advent of tricked out new gadgets and nifty software programmes that have jazzed up those boring old speeches.
The whole process of creating presentations has actually become a lot more fun and less sleep inducing as a result!
In this presentation workshop Sylvie Verleye reveals the impact and potential of new and powerful presentation techniques.
The secret of an effective presentation lies in the energy that is invested in its preparation. But also the creativity with which you approach a subject.
In this workshop we will look at new and effective techniques to make your next presentation a fascinating and inspiring experience.
- Prezi: the PowerPoint killer par excellence. What are the possibilities and pitfalls?
- Pecha Kucha, a Japanese concept for short and creative presentations.
- Elevator Pitch: how do you capture your story in less than 2 minutes?
- Working with metaphors, images and visual support: how does it enhance my story?

Target group
Anyone who gives presentations to small groups or large audiences can benefit from this training. If you wish to step up to the next level of presentation and performance, this program is for you.
In this workshop you will receive immediately applicable tips based on powerful examples, interactions, video clips and best practices. In addition, you can immediately put the tools and techniques provided into practice: participants can bring their laptop or tablet on which they can immediately get started with an existing presentation.
After attending this workshop:
- You will be able to apply and different styles of presentation
- You will know how to capture and hold the attention of the public
- You will succeed to make the perfect translation between the purpose, audience and form of presentation
- You will know how to present an idea in a persuasive and creative way